
Sports Drinks and Braces

May 28th, 2018

Today I thought we could chat about one of the common challenges for patients with braces and clear aligners - sports drinks!
Many of our patients are in middle and high school. Not surprisingly, at this age, they’re often becoming increasingly competitive in their favorite sports and taking their competition more seriously. This usually means more time spent training, and often, the use of sports drinks for hydration.
Sports drinks serve an important purpose. They replenish electrolytes and provide energy for continued exercise. However, due to their sugar content, they present some risks to be aware of. Many children and teens think of sports drinks as “healthy” because they go hand-in-hand with sporting events, but as far as your teeth and your blood sugar are concerned, they essentially behave no differently than soda!
Our advice when using sports drinks can be summed up in three key points:
1. Use them only during sports. It isn’t necessary to drink sports drinks throughout the day. They’re meant to get sugar and electrolytes into your bloodstream quickly for use during activity. When used at other times of day, they provide empty calories and no advantages compared to fueling and hydrating with healthy foods and water.
2. Perform good dental hygiene after using sports drinks just like you would with any other sugary foods. After use, it can be helpful to swish with water if brushing isn’t an immediate option. And, of course, never head to bed without brushing thoroughly!! (Even if you’re exhausted from the big game!)
3. Never use sports drinks while wearing clear aligners. The fluid can get trapped against your teeth under the aligner and result in prolonged exposure of your teeth to the sugar. The worst part is that your saliva can’t reach the teeth to rinse them off, and the result is much worse than simply sipping the beverage with an empty mouth.
If you keep these tips in mind, you should be able to use sports drinks AND enjoy a healthy smile!!

Preventing White Spot Lesions During Orthodontic Treatment

March 26th, 2018

One of the challenges we deal with during orthodontic treatment is maintaining excellent oral hygiene.  This is a challenge for a couple of reasons.  First, many of our patients are young and still struggle with the necessary motor skills necessary to be truly effective at achieving great hygiene.  And second, whether using braces or aligners, while in orthodontic treatment, there are often more places for plaque and bacteria to hide out which means that getting a good result from brushing might take a little more time and effort than usual.  Why is this so important?  Poor hygiene can lead to cavities and gum disease, or white spot lesions.  Not familiar?  Here's a picture of white spots that were seen on someone's teeth after braces were removed:

White Spot Lesions

So what should we do about this?  Well, the best defense is a good offense!  In other words, I'm saying that prevention is key.  White spots are difficult to treat once they've occurred, so avoiding them in the first place is your best bet.  Here are some tips for avoiding white spots!

  1. Parents should help, especially for very young patients. I meet lots of parents who are eager to put all the responsibility for brushing in their child's hands.  In some cases, however, the child isn't interested in being compliant, or doesn't yet have the necessary skills to do a good job.  In these cases, it's important to remember that as the parent, it will be your responsibility to monitor their brushing and flossing routines and help them if needed.
  2. Avoid excessive sugary foods and drinks. Sugar contributes to plaque and bacteria formation on the surface of the teeth.  It's ok to enjoy as a treat here and there, but you should avoid consuming sugar continuously throughout the day, and you should always brush (or rinse with water if you can't brush right away) after enjoying sugary treats.
  3. Try using the special toothbrush we offer when you start braces! We use a special toothbrush when starting treatment with braces.  It's specially designed to make it easier to brush under the wires and around the brackets so that you can be more effective at removing plaque.
  4. Watch for bleeding or puffy gums. These can be indications of inflammation which often means that brushing and flossing aren't being done effectively enough.  If you're trying your hardest and still seeing results like this, please let us know.  We'd be happy to review instructions as many times as you need us to!
  5. A Waterpik might be your new best friend. Waterpiks are gaining increasing popularity for good reason.  They're fun for kids, and they do a great job of irrigating in hard to reach places!
  6. Feel free to ask for feedback on your brushing. We are here to help you.  If you aren't sure how you're doing, let us know!  We'll be happy to check and point out areas for improvement!

With a little effort, you can finish your braces treatment with beautiful stain-free teeth!!  As always, you can find more information on our website at  Keep smiling, friends! :)

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